Training by topic: Supervision issues, choosing child care

Finding, Choosing, and Evaluating Child Care

Finding the right child care can sometimes be a stressful experience. There’s a lot of information to consider. It may feel overwhelming at times. Here are some simple steps that can guide your child care search and make sure you have all the information needed to make the best choice for your child.
  • Presented by Alaska Center for resource families
  • Format: information packet via PDF reading
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 1 hour
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Supervision in foster care

Learn supervision best practices for youth in foster care, plus information on supervision for medically complex youth, youth with substance use issues, and youth with sexualized behaviors or abuse histories.

  • Presented by Kimberly Mouriquand, Alaska Center for Resource Families
  • Format: self-study via PDF reading
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 2 hours

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Supervision in a foster home

Learn how to provide safe supervision for children and youth.

  • Presented by Kimberly Mouriquand, Alaska Center for Resource Families
  • Format: self-study via PDF reading (Tiny Training Byte series)
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 1 hour

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Supervision issues in foster care

Understand the licensing issues around supervision of children in your foster home and learn suggestions to provide the needed level of oversight.

  • Presented by Kimberly Mouriquand, Alaska Center for Resource Families
  • Format: self-study via audio
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 1 hour

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