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Training by topic: Technology, social media, and confidentiality

Finding your way as a parent with social media

Learn ways to navigate social media as a parent, increase face-to-face time, and build safety for the kids you care for.

  • Presented by Kimberly Mouriquand, Alaska Center for Resource Families
  • Format: self-study via PDF reading (Tiny Training Byte series)
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 1 hour

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Facebook and confidentiality guidelines for foster parents

Learn guidelines for confidentiality when sharing on social media.

  • Presented by Aileen McInnis, Alaska Center for Resource Families
  • Format: self-study via audio
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 1 hour

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Negotiating social media and teens

Learn practical approaches to understanding the role of social media, plus strategies to open communication about social media use with your teens.

  • Presented by Kimberly Mouriquand, Alaska Center for Resource Families
  • Format: self-study via audio
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 1 hour

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Social media and your kids

Part one: The basics

Learn strategies for supporting your child with safe social media use by putting focus on how they use social media, plus learn what to talk about before they sign up for a new network.

  • Presented by The Parent Network
  • Format: self-study via video
  • Training hours awarded on completion: .5 hours

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Part two: Keeping your kids safe

Learn tips for keeping your kids safe on their favorite social media platforms, plus ideas for keeping tabs on them without spying and setting effective household rules about how to behave online.

  • Presented by The Parent Network
  • Format: self-study via video
  • Training hours awarded on completion: .5 hours

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Part three: Understanding privacy

Learn how to make sure your kids protect their privacy and respect the privacy of others online.

  • Presented by The Parent Network
  • Format: self-study via video
  • Training hours awarded on completion: .5 hours

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Part four: Managing excessive use

Learn the potential impacts of social media use on a child's physical and mental wellbeing, plus tips for managing screen time from other parents.

  • Presented by The Parent Network
  • Format: self-study via video
  • Training hours awarded on completion: .5 hours

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