Webinars and Videos

Alaska licensed foster parents can earn training credit toward yearly training requirements by following the instructions to complete certification or fill out a questionnaire and return to ACRF.

ACRF Webinars, Webi-Conferences and Videos


Use this TRAUMA RESPONSIVE SKILLS AND STRATEGIES FOR RESOURCE FAMILIES QUESTIONNAIRE to earn 1.0 hour of training credit for each of the following videos:

SESSION 1: Think Global; Understanding Traumas Effect on Brain and Body

SESSION 2: Act Local; Being Trauma Responsive with the Youth in Your Home

SESSION 3: Being Safe on the Outside, Feeling Safe on the Inside

SESSION 4: Blowing Up, Blowing Out; Helping Youth with Self-Regulation

SESSION 5: Weaving the Web; Connections and Healing

SESSION 6: Advocating for Yourself, Advocating for your Child

Use this Let's Talk ICWA Questionairre to earn 1.0 hour of training credit for each of the following videos:

Let's Talk ICWA: Placement Preferences in Foster Care with Trim Nick (ICWA Specialist, DHSS)

Let's Talk ICWA: Active Efforts with Kristen Robinson (ICWA Specialist, OCS)

Let's TalK ICWA: ICWA Influence On Foster Homes with Rachel Hanft (Fairbanks Family Support Specialist), Kristen Robinson (Southeast ICWA Specialist, OCS), Jenny Dale (Southcentral ICWA Specialist, OCS)

Let's Talk ICWA: What is A Federally Recognized Tribe? with Kevin Illingsworth, University of Alaska Fairbanks (WEBINAR QUESTIONNAIRE)

Understanding Sensory Processing Series for Resource Families with Bailey Rainey, OT

Module One: Understanding the Senses HANDOUT: Understanding the Senses (WEBINAR QUESTIONNAIRE)

Module Two: Real Life Strategies HANDOUT: Real Life Strategies (WEBINAR QUESTIONNAIRE)


College Funding and Higher Education Supports for Current and Former Foster Youth with Amanda Metivier, Feb. 2021 (WEBINAR QUESTIONNAIRE)

Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse for Alaska Resource Families with Office of Children's Services OCS Intake Staff (WEBINAR QUESTIONNAIRE)

Caring for the Medically Fragile or Medically Complex Child Videos and workshops from the March 2021 Webi-Conference (FIND ON THE PAST WEBI-CONFERENCE PAGE)

Parenting Within the Lines (from January 2021 webi-conference) A 7.5 Hour Course on parenting and discipline for licensed Alaska foster parents (FIND ON THE PAST WEBI-CONFERENCE PAGE)

The 3-5-7 Model and LifebooksTrainer: Rachel Hanft, ACRF (WEBINAR QUESTIONNAIRE) HANDOUTS: The 3-5-7 Model By Darla Henry

Self Care for Resource Families Trainer: Jodi von Brandt, ACRF (WEBINAR QUESTIONNAIRE) HANDOUTS: PWPT Self Care and Self Care Wheel Self Care Ideas and Blank Wheel

Talking to Children and Youth About Race Resource Parent Panel (WEBINAR QUESTIONNAIRE)

Strategies for Fostering a Child with Problematic Sexual Behavior Trainer: Aileen McInnis, ACRF (WEBINAR QUESTIONNAIRE) HANDOUTS: House Rules Sexual Behaviors in Children Understanding Sexual Behavior Problems in Children

Family Contact Trainer: Kimberly Mouriquand, Alaska Child Welfare Academy (WEBINAR QUESTIONNAIRE)

Other Webinars and Video Classes

Tech Safety for Families with Rebecca Newton (From the Alaska Children's Trust Series) With technology constantly changing and kids becoming more and more tech-focused, it can feel impossible to protect your kids from the dangers of the digital world. Join us as Internet Safety Expert Rebecca Newton teaches how to navigate the digital world with your children. Use WEBINAR QUESTIONNAIRE to earn credit.

Racism, Sexism and Prejudice: A Conversation on Talking to Your Kids About Equity (From the Alaska Trust Series) Talking about racism, sexism, and prejudice with your kids can be hard. If you need guidance on talking to your kids about equity, join ACT in listening to these three fantastic parents and community leaders. Hear the intimate stories they share from life in Alaska and the impacts of discrimination on themselves and their children, and how they incorporated their children in their own learning processes and response. Use WEBINAR QUESTIONNAIRE to earn credit.

Alaska Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Training This course was developed by the Children's Justice Act Task Force and The State of Alaska Office of Children’s Services to guide mandatory reporters of child maltreatment. Foster parents are mandatory reporters. Complete the course “Test Your Knowledge” and send a copy of your Certificate of Completion for a total of 3.0 hours credit.

Online Video: Plan to Get Out Alive - VIDEO QUESTIONNAIRE

Online Video: Forever ShakenVIDEO QUESTIONNAIRE

Alaska licensed foster parents can earn training credit by viewing the following webinars and completing the WEBINAR QUESTIONNAIRE

What Caregivers Need to Know About Human Trafficking (2014) This class, put together by the Ohio Child Welfare Training Program gives families information about sex and labor trafficking and ideas for detecting and preventing children and youth from being at risk for this growing problem.

Pathways To Positive Futures Webinars, Research and Training Center for Pathways to Positive Futures, Portland State University. (Improving the lives of youth and young adults with serious mental health conditions through rigorous research and effective training and dissemination.)

Learning Center for Child and Adolescent Trauma
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

NAADAC Education Webinars: The Association for Addiction Professionals

Bringing Our Children Home: An Introduction to the Indian Child Welfare Act Featuring NARF Executive Director John Echohawk and staff attorney David Gover, this educational resource video was designed for state court judges, courts, and judicial educators.

Supporting Youth Webinar Series

Quarterly training offered the “The Resource Basket” with Alaska RurAL CAP Program. Alaska licensed foster parents, use the WEBINAR QUESTIONNAIRE to earn 1.0 hour training credit for each webinar.

Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences (Amy Modig, RurAL CAP)

Understanding Trauma & Promoting Resiliency with Youth (Desires Compton, Counselor)

Youth Bullying Prevention (Chelsie Morrison-Heath, STAR)

Connecting Generations through Culture (Various Presenters)

Communicating with Youth: A Strengths Based Approach (Chrystle Tebo, Boys & Girls Clubs)

Strengthening Families Pt. 1 (Shirley Pittz, Strengthening Families Project)

Strengthening Families Pt. 2 (Shirley Pittz, Strengthening Families Project)

Complex Trauma Self Regulation, & Mindfulness Series

Alaska licensed foster parents, use the Micro-Learning QUESTIONNAIRE to Earn .5 Hour Training Credit for Each Video Below.

Part 1: Complex Trauma

Part 2:Self Regulation

Part 3:Mindfulness Based Practices with Children and Families

Part 4:Mindfulness Based Practices for Professionals

State Training Sites

Alaska licensed foster parents, to earn credit for any of the relevant videos and webinars located on the State Training Sites below, fill out the WEBINAR QUESTIONNAIRE and return to ACRF for 1.0 Hour of Training Credit or if you pay for a Certificate of Completion, send us a copy of that.

Just in Time Training. STATE OF FLORIDA Put together by the State of Florida has compiled a wealth of online videos aimed at resource parents and out-of-home providers. Dozens of related lectures and webinars which you can view and apply toward your training requirements. Fill out the Webinar Questionnaire for 1.0 of credit or send a copy of your Certificate of Completion.

NOFAS Webinar Series on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

NOFAS is a national organization devoted to promoting awareness about FASD based on current research. Participation in NOFAS Webinars are eligible for foster parent training hours. Alaska licensed foster parents, use the WEBINAR QUESTIONNAIRE to submit your hours for each of the following webinars.

Simple Strategies for Behavioral and Academic Success

FASD Intervention and Treatment

Treating FASD With Nutritional Interventions

Resources for Families Living with FASD: What’s Out There?

Proven and Promising Interventions for Children with FASD

Implications of FASD for the Adoptive Family

Educating Students with an FASD

FASD and the Role of Occupational Therapy