Trauma Informed Caregiving and Strengthening Families Series

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6 Part Series: Trauma Responsive Strategies and Skills for Resource Families - January through June 2023

6-Part Series: Trauma Informed Caregiving

6-Part Series: Strengthening Families

3-Part Series: Connecting While Correcting

Logo for Trauma series January 2023 through June 2023

This series is currently happening. Please join us by registering at or 1-800-478-7307. To attend, call 1-800-944-8766 Participant Code: 26867# Click the links below to go directly to our Soundcloud Web Page or download the app for Soundcloud to listen on your phone or device.

BONUS: We will give a choice from a list of trauma informed parenting books to every person who either attends all the telephonic sessions or completes the recorded Trauma Responsive Strategies and Skills online course posted after each session by July 1, 2023.

RECORDINGS: To earn 1 hour training credit for each recorded training, fill out this Audio Questionnaire for each session. Questionnaire

Session 1: Trauma Responsive Skills and Strategies: Think Global-Understanding Trauma's Effect on Brain and Body (Jodi von Brandt) (Click on Title to Listen to Session 1)

Session 2: Act Local: Being Trauma Responsive to the Youth in Your Home (Rachel Hanft) (Click on Title to Listen to Session 2)

Session 3: Trauma Responsive Skills and Strategies; Feeling Safe, Being Safe (Maria VanOrd), (Click on Title to Listen to Session 3) ** Handouts: Managing Hot Spots and The Importance of Touch

Session 4: Blowing Up, Blowing Out: Helping Youth with Self-Regulation (Aileen McInnis), (Click on Title to Listen to Session 4)

Session 5: Weaving the Web: Connections and Healing (Rachel Hanft) (Click on Title to Listen to Session 5)

Session 6: Advocating For Yourself, Advocating For Your Child (Jodi von Brandt) (Click on Title to Listen to Session 6)


Jun 14 (Wed) 12:00-1:00pm: Session 6-Advocating for Your Child, Advocating for Yourself – Jodi von Brandt, ACRF **Handout: Developing Your Advocacy Skills


Trauma Informed Caregiving for Resource Parents

This 6-part series explores 9 principles to provide trauma informed parenting to children in the foster care system.

ALASKA LICENSED FOSTER PARENTS: To earn 1 hour training credit for each recorded teleconference training you listen to, fill out the Audio Questionnaire for each session and return to ACRF.

Session 1:Understanding Trauma's Effect My Child Exercise * Info Packet #1 * Info Packet #2 * Questionnaire

Session 2: Building a Safe Place Info Packet #3 * Questionnaire

Session 3: Dealing with Feelings and Behaviors Info Packet #4 * Questionnaire

Session 4: Connections and Healing Info Packet #5* Questionnaire

Session 5: Becoming an Advocate Info Packet #6* Questionnaire

Session 6: Taking Care of Yourself Info Packet #7* Questionnaire

Connecting While Correcting Series (Introduction to TBRI Principles)

ALASKA LICENSED FOSTER PARENTS: To earn training credit, for each recorded teleconference training you listen to, fill out the Audio Questionnaire for each session and return to ACRF.

Connecting While Correcting, Part 1: The Principle of Connecting

Connecting While Correcting, Part 2: The Principle of Empowering

Connecting While Correcting, Part 3: The Principle of Correcting

Strengthening Families Series

This 6-part series explores the protective factors and guides to what makes a healthy functioning family. Alaska licensed foster parents, please use this Audio Course Questionnaire for each session to Check Your Understanding and earn 1.0 hour of training credit for each session,

Session 1: Introduction to Strengthening Families and the Protective Factors (Kimberly Mouriquand, ACRF)

HANDOUTS: Cartoon Family * Five Protective Factors * Overcoming Bias

Session 2: Staying Sane: Not Always about Putting the Kids First -Caretaker Resilience (Kimberly Mouriquand, ACRF)

HANDOUTS:Do You Know Scale * My Family’s Resilience Recipe* Resilience * The Road to Resilience

Session 3: You Got That Where? Finding What Your Children Need - Concrete Support (Becca Whitman, DJJ)

HANDOUTS: 211 Concrete Supports * Child Meltdown Slide * Maslow’s Hierarchy and Protective Factors

Session 4: Friends and Family: Why Positive Connections Matter - Social Connections (Jodi von Brandt, ACRF)


Session 5: My Great Aunt Ida Said.... Cultural Parenting and Child Development (Becca Whitman, DJJ)


Session 6: UNAVAILABLE Strengthening Families – Session 6: Your Child Did WHAT? Understanding Children’s Social and Emotional Needs With Lori Markkanen, Resource Center for Parents and Children